• 花园村落:体感式商业新美学
    瑞安上海瑞虹天地月亮湾微更新(一期) Shui On Land Shanghai Ruihong Moon Bay Regeneration Phase 1
    • 项目类型
      商业微更新 / 街区商业
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • Sector
      Micro-Regeneration / Retail Streetscape
    • Size
      0.5 Ha
    • Client
      Shui On Land
    • LA Architect


    During the last decade since the opening of Ruihong Tiandi Moon Bay, Hongkou district has undergone large-scale urbanization and renewal. We believe a renovation of community-based commercial should be able to resonate and grow with the local residents.Through regeneration and preservation, our “Garden Village”concept begins to shape the sensorial place-making of the community-based commercial realm. We envisioned transcendence from “spatial experiences” to “ cognitive experiences ” , and ultimately elevating the biophysical, cultural, and social values of the project. We preserved and re-used existing elements as much as possible. On the basis of “cognitive” transformation, our regeneration through preservation is vital in creating empathy and resonance with the community, striving to achieve the right balance of "new" and "old" through emphasis on cognitive spatial qualities.

    瑞安上海瑞虹天地月亮湾微更新(一期) Shui On Land Shanghai Ruihong Moon Bay Regeneration Phase 1
    • 项目类型
      商业微更新 / 街区商业
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • Sector
      Micro-Regeneration / Retail Streetscape
    • Size
      0.5 Ha
    • Client
      Shui On Land
    • LA Architect


    During the last decade since the opening of Ruihong Tiandi Moon Bay, Hongkou district has undergone large-scale urbanization and renewal. We believe a renovation of community-based commercial should be able to resonate and grow with the local residents.Through regeneration and preservation, our “Garden Village”concept begins to shape the sensorial place-making of the community-based commercial realm. We envisioned transcendence from “spatial experiences” to “ cognitive experiences ” , and ultimately elevating the biophysical, cultural, and social values of the project. We preserved and re-used existing elements as much as possible. On the basis of “cognitive” transformation, our regeneration through preservation is vital in creating empathy and resonance with the community, striving to achieve the right balance of "new" and "old" through emphasis on cognitive spatial qualities.