• 杭州湾的舟:形意与有无
    卓越杭州湾蔚蓝海岸 Excellence Hangzhou Bay Demonstration Project
    • 项目类型
      住宅 / 示范区
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • Sector
      Residential / Demonstration Area
    • Size
      1 Ha
    • Client
      Excellence Group
    • LA Architect

    NARRATIVE叙事性景观作为FLO六大设计方法中非常重要的一环,是我们在每个项目中力求运用并且彻底执行的一种设计方法。项目主体是一个示范区的前场空间,项目本身的空间结构是经典的示范区逻辑,前场连廊的起承转合与多功能的秀场空间-大草坪。后场基本上是一片大水面与杭州湾新区纵横遍布的河道相接。我们在基地旁看到了江浙河网上遍布的舢板式小船,于是我们决定做一些叙事性景观的尝试。设计以“舟”为题,利用与其特征相关的形意:行,泊,渡,钓,孤,戏 等意向群,实现从“抽象“到“具象”,从无到有的转换。于是我们在四进式空间格局中结合四种意境的场景诠释-轻舟已过、千帆争渡、横舟独钓、寒山夜泊。

    As a part of FLO’s six methodologies, ‘Conceptualization of a Narrative’ is an important component in our method of design approach. The design area of the site is focused on the front entry space into the demonstration building with typical layout logic for its typology. The space is connected by a canopied corridor that takes visitors through a series of intermediate spaces and arriving into the open lawn. The back side of the demonstration site is connected with the existing natural waterways in our Hangzhou Bay setting. When we visited the site, we spotted numerous traditional wooden ferries along the waterways. We used ‘Ferries’ as the narrative driver, explored characteristics associated with its forms and meanings, and ultimately transformed abstraction into figurative expressions in the design materialization. We created four unique scenes along the experiential sequence - "The Passing Ferry", "The Companion Voyagers", "The Lonely Fisherman", and "The Mooring Dock".

    卓越杭州湾蔚蓝海岸 Excellence Hangzhou Bay Demonstration Project
    • 项目类型
      住宅 / 示范区
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • Sector
      Residential / Demonstration Area
    • Size
      1 Ha
    • Client
      Excellence Group
    • LA Architect

    NARRATIVE叙事性景观作为FLO六大设计方法中非常重要的一环,是我们在每个项目中力求运用并且彻底执行的一种设计方法。项目主体是一个示范区的前场空间,项目本身的空间结构是经典的示范区逻辑,前场连廊的起承转合与多功能的秀场空间-大草坪。后场基本上是一片大水面与杭州湾新区纵横遍布的河道相接。我们在基地旁看到了江浙河网上遍布的舢板式小船,于是我们决定做一些叙事性景观的尝试。设计以“舟”为题,利用与其特征相关的形意:行,泊,渡,钓,孤,戏 等意向群,实现从“抽象“到“具象”,从无到有的转换。于是我们在四进式空间格局中结合四种意境的场景诠释-轻舟已过、千帆争渡、横舟独钓、寒山夜泊。

    As a part of FLO’s six methodologies, ‘Conceptualization of a Narrative’ is an important component in our method of design approach. The design area of the site is focused on the front entry space into the demonstration building with typical layout logic for its typology. The space is connected by a canopied corridor that takes visitors through a series of intermediate spaces and arriving into the open lawn. The back side of the demonstration site is connected with the existing natural waterways in our Hangzhou Bay setting. When we visited the site, we spotted numerous traditional wooden ferries along the waterways. We used ‘Ferries’ as the narrative driver, explored characteristics associated with its forms and meanings, and ultimately transformed abstraction into figurative expressions in the design materialization. We created four unique scenes along the experiential sequence - "The Passing Ferry", "The Companion Voyagers", "The Lonely Fisherman", and "The Mooring Dock".